Current news:
7:57am ST — New website up. www.NephilimNow.com
Lady Deathwhisper down to 80% into phase two last night. Expect to see screen shots of her rotting corpse tonight.
Guild website will be replaced with a legit website fairly soon, just working out details with the domain. This will include a number of features as well as a new [userfriendlylololol] forum.
Nephilim is now considering the possibility of working with a couple guilds, namely Once Upon a Requiem and Lex Talonis, to fill slots for 25m raids. More information later.
Chew on this, Leazul. The Adventures of [Dualboxing] Arbaal and Hazrat:
A couple days later.
Downed ToC10 as soon as it came out. Nothing unexpected there. Only one boss was missing from the instance. More fun images for ya'll.

Downed Lord Marrowtard again.
A number of images. Another Uldar clear as well as Sapph. We didn't do KT because we couldn't manage to pull him. Bugged ftl.

Imtheboss is a downs kid. Ignore the fact that he's looking the other way.
Circle jerk'n.
Random fun in the North bank of Dalaran. Everyone was bored waiting on instance lockouts. What a great time for server stability… sigh.

A slew of images, most of downed mobs and some of Arbaal gquitting over impossible things.
Congrats to the members that downed Lord Marrowgar on the second try. Nice work~ Two shots of the kill, one being a mandatory screeny of our guild ninja. Gotta keep an eye on him.

Arb an' I going for a stroll. Murloc, please.

Remember the Sunwell!!
For Anasterian Sunstrider!
Getting the website up.